My Garden and Environment – Berea, Durban

Musings on the natural environment of the Berea, Durban, Natal

Prince of Trees – Toad Tree, Tabernaemontana elegans & Tabernaemontana ventricosa


Toad Tree, Tabernaemontana elegans

I have three of these worthy trees growing in my garden. One shades my studio and courtyard in the summer. The remarkable fruits of this tree look similar to warty toads and thus the name. At a given times in the year the fruit pods burst open along one of its seams and like a jewel box, exposes their bright orange pulpy seeds. The garden birds (like the Bulbuls) go quiet crazy for the fruit and hang on the pods while filling their bellies. Generously too, the fruit detach themselves allowing ground-dwelling insects and animals to have their fill too. If you want to attract birds to your Berean or Durban garden – this small tree is an excellent beginning.

An endemic Berean species is the Forest Toad Tree (Tabernaemontana ventricosa) with a smooth green fruit. I planted one many years ago, however it is awaiting a space in the canopy to spring up to become a proper tree.

Graham Leslie McCallum





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